Efficiently Disposing COM Proxies

In Tutorial 1 you have seen how to use Dispose() method to release an object and its child objects.

This tutorial shows you how to use the DisposeChildInstances() method to release all child objects with one call.

See chapter1 and chapter5 in technical documentation for more information.

public void Tutorial02Main()
    // start application
    Excel.Application application = new Excel.Application();
    application.DisplayAlerts = false;

    Excel.Workbook book   = application.Workbooks.Add();
    Excel.Worksheet sheet = (Excel.Worksheet)book.Worksheets.Add();

     * We have created 5 proxy objects.
     * Proxy table looks as follows:
     * Application
     *   + Workbooks
     *     + Workbook
     *        + Worksheets
     *            + Worksheet

    // We dispose the child instances of the workbook

     * We have 3 proxy objects now.
     * Children objects of book instance were disposed.
     * Application
     *   + Workbooks
     *     + Workbook

    // close Excel, release the application instance and child workbooks

Tutorial 3: Using Dispose with event exporting Objects